Explore the incredible features of AutoQA

Unleash the power to automate your tests

Creating multiple profiles

Create unlimited profiles to test different environments with different parameters.

Pre-setting multiple test environments

Create and add multiple test environments and users for multiple departments in the company.

Live View Test Execution

Watch the end-to-end test execution in live or save it for later to get a visual view on any passed or failed tests.

Scheduling Automatic test runs

Schedule tests by time, day, week or month along with number of recurrences so they can run automatically.

Statistics reports overview

Report overview of all test runs conducted in a period of time including tests which have been passed, failed, skipped and aborted.

Other Features

  • Integration with existing identity providers

    We adapt and connect to your identity providers.

  • Easy Access

    AutoQA can be deployed either in cloud or on-premise.

  • Extended Control

    Control the execution, output and results of your automated tests.

  • Create Test Cases with Zero Coding

    Import your Katalon tests without coding into the AutoQA management tool.

  • Access through modern browsers

    Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera and more.